Monday, August 22, 2016

Foodedge Gourmet

I ever heard my auntie mention before about Food Factory Outlet in Woodlands Terrace area, but i never been there before.  So i thought i will "do some homework" by searching for information in the website before going down to explore the place and also to look see look see.

(1) Bus no. 964 goes there, can be taken from Woodlands Interchange or from Admiralty MRT station.  Alight at the "Old Chang Kee" bus stop.

(2) The first Food Factory Outlet which i saw that is open to the public is Foodedge Gourmet Pte Ltd.

(3) Signs indicating the entry point of the shop

(4) I tried opening the door, but it was locked, a staff saw me and told me that i have to press the bell and there will be staff who will come down and attend to the shop.  After the staff came down and open the door, i ask the staff, thought that there will be people attending to the shop, was told, only when there is customers, then they will come down.

(5) The door that leads to the shop

(6) Opening hours of the shop

(7) Cookies, wanted to buy, but i know i will not be discipline, sure will finish up the whole packet in no time, but better don't buy, else i will have to do extra workout.

(8) Cookies corner, as most items, they are in the freezer, so i didn't take much picture.

(9) I only bought 2 cookies @ $1.50 each, i wanted to buy the cake that is sold there, but they are sold in trays, so didn't buy.

Foodedge Gourmet
26 Woodlands Terrace
Singapore 738449
Tel : 6339 4953
Fax : 6245 6975
Website :

Opening hours: 
Mon-Fri: 10am - 4.30pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm
Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays 


  1. leh....yummy also leh

  2. Good Morning Zumba Queen.

    I heard the haze is back! Yippeee!

    1. Good afternoon TM...

      So far only previous Sun got the smell, the other day, still ok...

  3. What a funny shop. They are not hungry for customers at all.

    I know this area Woodlands quite well. They have nice residential townships and less hectic traffic.

    1. Unless party or gathering, can buy, if own consume, too much liao...

      Woodlands is near to the Woodlands Checkpoint also, keke...

  4. It's called a food FACTORY OUTLET. I think you are expected to buy in bulk instead of worrying about self control hahahaha!

  5. You are right, cookies better don't buy so many because you will be tempted to eat all hah...hah...

    1. Especially when sitting in front of the pc or watching tv, will be tempting to eat, keke...

  6. The door thing is kinda funny to me, haha!

  7. This factory outlet will be good for bulk buying especially for parties, big family or to share among friends. I will would munch non stop on the cookies. Lol!

    1. Ya, good for parties, gathering, etc...

      That why i control myself, if not, if eat non stop if i buy, hehe...

  8. Not bad, can buy direct from the factory and cheaper too! Of course, it's definitely fresher to buy from the factory.

  9. LOL!!! I like that - please ring the bell once. So sound proof, the place meh?

  10. How interesting! I will definitely check the place out even if I'm not planning to buy anything.

    1. I have nothing much in mind what to buy, went to see see...
