Friday, April 29, 2016

Nomination Day @ Keming Primary School

Mr David Ong, the Member of Parliament for Bukit Batok, has resign on 12th Mar (Sat), due to...., as for the reason as reported, i will not write it here.  A By Election will be called in "due course" as mention by our Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong.

On Wed (20th Apr), Writ of Election was issued by President Mr Tony Tan, Nomination Day will be on 27th Apr (Wed), and by-election for Bukit Batok on 7th May (Sat).  Nomination Centre will be at Keming Primary School.

(1) Candidates has one hour to file in their nomination paper, between 11am to 12noon.

(2) Sign was being put up indicating No Parking/Stopping Zone in affected area.

(3) Media at the entrance waiting to interview candidates and reporting of the events

(4) Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam (Deputy Prime Minister & Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies) was there to support and cheer the PAP candidates.

(5) Media on the midst of setting up

(6)  When i saw the media running towards this guy, i follow suit, only to know that he's here to file in the nomination paper, but he was unsuccessful in filing the nomination paper.  From the website, i got to know that he's 32 year old uber driver Shirwin Eu.

Heard the reporter asking him why he wants to take part in the election, his reply was he wants to enjoy the fame and wealth. (Haiz, when i heard his reply)

Another question i heard the reporter asking him, what can he do for the residents of Bukit Batok if he is elected, he replied that he's not sure what he can do, and that depends on the supply and demand.  (Another haiz when i heard the reply).

Also heard that used to stay in Bukit Batok and moves to Marine Parade around 6 months ago.

(7) Chinese newspaper reporter as saw from the t-shirt he wore

(8) Photographer waiting to take photos

(9) Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate Dr Chee Soon Juan supporters 

(10) People's Action Party (PAP) supporters

(11) SDP supporters

(12) Poster on PAP candidates Mr Murali Pillai

(13) While leaving, saw media surrounding Mr Murali Pillai

(14) Since Mr Murali Pillai is walking in the direction where i walk toward the bus stop, i only manage to take this picture of him when he stops to wipe his sweats.

On 7th May, it will be PAP candidates Mr Murali Pillai vis Dr Chee Soon Juan in the By Election for Bukit Batok.


  1. Good Afternoon Zumba Queen! It is raining heavily here.... no wonder lah because you are posting on elections for the first time! Wakakakaka

    1. Good evening TM... It did rain just now, but the weather now is hot again...

  2. Aiyo! His resignation is all over the news and if he is based here, no need to resign lah.... I respect your country's clean and no nonsense policy that they need to uphold their image and respect in public.

  3. Eh that taxi driver if get elected can offer free rides for everyone lah! So funny that he dared to walk up to sign up... That Tony is my relatives la, ask him nominate you for next elections ok.

    1. Maybe next election, he might invite you to come over for it... kaka...

  4. wahhh... Sharon, you are our "reporter" here.. thank you for sharing how the Singaporeans do their nominations...

    1. I was wondering how they did it, so went there as an onlooker...

  5. Oh? Election there too? Ours, next Saturday. But generally, very very quiet this time around not like past few elections. I guess everyone is tired already - change...change...two elections already changed, at least, and still nothing has changed...and the same ol' thing, they still talk about change. Like an old broken down record. Sighhhh!!!!

  6. Currently it is a campaign week in Sarawak as state election is next Saturday. Everywhere is those flags and banners. Could be annoying sometimes. hahah!

    1. Here, everyday, have been reading news about the By-election for Bukit Batok...

  7. Aiyorrr...fame and wealth? Haiz indeed! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :P

    1. Beside haiz, i was surprise by his answer for this question...

  8. Hi Sharon, you are so brave and you did a good reporting job for us.

  9. Like so fast...touch and Go, hmmm.....

    1. Ya, quite fast, as the MP for Bukit Batok resign, so have to have a By-Election...
