Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Restoran Chuan Xin

After the visit to Eco World, it's lunch time. 

(1) This place is recommended by C. Heard that C has brought her mum here when her mum is in JB (C mum stays in KL).  It was quite crowded when we reached and we have to wait for diners who left after their meal then we have a table.

(2) C daughter mention that they do sell the chilli sauce and many people has come to buy the chilli sauce.

(3) Had Ice Lemon Tea, @ RM6, as it's CNY period, saw from a notice in the wall that they increase the price of drink by RM0.30 till the 8th day of Lunar New Year, actual price is RM5.70.

(4) Fried prawn @ RM7.10, the price increased by RM0.50, if i didn't remember wrongly as i didn't take picture of the notice in the wall.

(5) Avocado Rolls @RM6.40

(6) Fuzhou Fish Ball Soup @ RM10, for soup, the price was increase by RM2 during the Lunar New Year period till the 8th day.

(9) Soup with additional ingredients @ RM21

(10) Kway teow kosong - dry @ RM3.20

Restoran Chuan Xin
No. 2,4, 6, 8, Jalan Hang Tuah 26
Taman Skudai Baru, 81300 Skudai
Tel : 07-540897

After that, went to C house (CNY visitation), before i call it a day and return to Singapore.


  1. Konnichiwa! I am back home!
    It is so hot here. I wanna pengsan.
    I need that ice lemon tea you drank. Slurps!

    1. Welcome back TM... The weather here is hot too... Wish it will be cooling...

  2. Hey, I like that Avocado Rolls. It is something new and I have not tried la. Ho chiak boh?

  3. I always have this habit to buy kaya and sambal chilly paste from restaurants here. I have to be convinced that they are good first. Your chilly paste looks hot and spicy to me. Luak boh??

    1. Too bad, i am a clumsy person, if not, will buy the chilly paste back home...

  4. I like the last dish, number 10 la...guess that is my favorite, looks the one I always had on every Sunday.

  5. The chili sauce must be good since many people come to buy. Do you like it?

  6. The sambal (chili sauce) looks good.. Must have that only nice to eat with my noodles..

  7. Fried prawn? Looks like fried wanton to me. Oh me oh my!!!! Soup RM21!!!! *faints*

    Fuzhou fish balls got minced meat inside or not - if don't have, you've been cheated, just ordinary fish ball soup.

    1. Busy eating, so didn't take picture of the inside of the fried prawn...

      Actually the soup is RM19, Chinese New Year, they increased by RM2, so it's RM21...

      Yes, it has minced meat inside...

  8. wah.. the food were rather expensive to me!! but for you okay lah, everything divide by 3.. haha!!! :p

  9. There are really a lot of eateries in JB nowadays! I also never keep myself updated ... Hahha

  10. 看得我都食指大动了啦!>_<
