Thursday, February 18, 2016

A trip to JB (13th Feb) ~ 正月初六

Usually during the Chinese New Year period, i will make a trip to Johor Bahru to visit a blogger (no longer active in blogging) cum friend C.

(1) I was suppose to meet C at 10.30am at Bukit Indah, left my house at 8.30am, giving me ample time to travel.  When i reach Singapore immigration, saw quite a number of coaches, i quickly whatsapp C that i might be late.  Above picture was taken after i clear Singapore Immigration and was waiting for the bus to take me to Malaysia Immigration.

(2) The bridge that link Singapore to Malaysia

(3) Along the way, it was smooth

(4) Take from the bus that i was taking

(5) Along the way

(6) Signboard

(7) Approaching Malaysia Immigration

(8) Toll after Malaysia Immigration

(9) Reaching Aeon Mall (Bukit Indah) when i will alight and my friend will fetch me from there.  This is where i arrange to meet Claire the other time she was in JB.  Wonder when will Claire come to JB again, wink wink.

(10) I reached at around 10.35am and i didn't see my friend, so i thought i will walk into Aeon Bukit Indah and make use of the wifi at Starbuck and whatsapp my friend.  Usually when i enter Malaysia, i will switch off my data plan, to avoid accidentally incur any unnecessary charges and get a shock when the bill comes.

(11) While whatsapp my friend, saw this 财神爷 @ Aeon Bukit Indah, took picture of it.  Think some problem, i could not connect with the wifi, so i thought i will walk out and wait for my friend at the taxi stand.  It so happen my friend mention she didn't see me, so she drive one round and come back.

(12) My friend went to buy movie tickets for that night as she's watching movie with her family that night.  So i took the CNY decoration that i saw inside the shopping mall.

(13) Before going back Singapore, walk one round at City Square and took this picture of the Chinese New Year decoration.

(14) Chinese New Year @ City Square

(15) Random picture

(16) Chinese New Year decoration @ Komtar JBCC, which is next building to City Square.

(17) Had a cup of Ipoh White Coffee, RM3.90

(18) Building linking to Malaysia Immigration

(19) Thank God that the traffic is smooth on the way back to Singapore


  1. No traffic? I heard about the terrible jam at the Causeway, everyone is complaining that it is so hard, not so easy to go from JB to Singapore.

    1. Thank God for the smooth traffic, i was worry at first about jam as heard about all those jam and waiting hours to cleared...

  2. Glad everything was smooth and not much a traffic. I think everyone only drive back on Sunday.

    1. I was thinking maybe on Sunday, most people will be back, that's why was telling my friend, not on Sun as i was worry about caught in the jam...

  3. Traffic sounds good.. Here, start to jam liao yesterday..

    1. And clearing Malaysia Immigration was fast that day too... I was expecting some crowds that went JB, surprising not many people...

  4. That's why I hesitant to "jio" Singaporean friends to meet me in JB. It seems like it is a mega project to get from Singapore to JB/vice versa just for a short meet and greet... :/

    1. For me, i am ok, only that if so happen there's a jam, will be frustrating...

  5. Its so easy to come over to JB, I think you can go every weekend!

  6. yes, i remember you blogged about visiting your friend in JB last year too, and it took you so long to reach there.. luckily this year the traffic was smooth and the immigration wasn't packed with people.. :)

    1. Only when go in, a little bit packed, but still not so bad...

  7. so nice of you to go all the way from SG to JB just to meet up with your friend over a cup of coffee.. things in Malaysia very cheap right?? hehehe~~ :p

    1. No lah, my friend bring me somewhere and we go makan also, which will be in another post, hehe...

      Must go in further, then should be cheaper... hehe...

  8. Good Morning Zumba Queen of Merlion City!

    The weather has been hot and burning my skins here. Better apply anti UV lotions!

  9. You come to visit JB so often but you didn;t shop much. How to help our ailing economy?? Buy! Buy! Buy!

  10. The CNY decorations are really very nice! I am impressed lah.

    1. I like the CNY decorations in Malaysia shopping centre...

  11. Last time when my parents stay in JB, they used to cross over to Singapore. Also, they will watch Singapore TV channel hee..hee...

    1. JB can receive Singapore TV channel, the other day, i was at my friend house, my friend on Singapore TV channel...
