Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Usually, i will go for Zumba on Tuesday, being an auntie, nowadays, i go for those free session organise by Health Promotion Board instead of signing up for it at Community Centre.

As it's a rainy day today and the rain starts before noon, i was worry that the rain won't stop, and it will be cancel if there's rain.  But luckily the rain stops around 4pm.

As on Tuesday, the workout is Zumba @ Mapletree Business City (Yesterday the session was at Labrador Park), Zumba @ Capital Building, Kpop @ Lot 1 Shopping Mall.  Only the session at Lot 1, it's under shelter, whereby Mapletree Business City and Capital Building, it's open space.

Since the rain has stopped, my kaki and i decide on Zumba @ Labrador Park as the timing and place suits us.  Capital Building is too far for us, and as for the Kpop in Lot 1, we will go if it's raining.

As my kaki is not familiar with Labrador Park, she get her hubby to drive her there. and she reach the place 5 ~ 10 min late.  After around 10 min of the workout, she left, at that time, i didn't manage to talk to her as the workout is ongoing.

After the workout, i message her asking how come she left and she replied she quarrel with her husband.  Replied her what happen, she didn't reply.  So when i reach home, i called her, but she rejected my call and reply with she can't talk at that moment, reply her me calling to see if she's all right.  Will follow up with her later of the day, hope she is all right.


Back to my meal, has been sometimes since i went to Collins, was at the outlet in West Coast, had the Grilled Salmon Fillet with Mango Sauce, Pasta and Salad @ $8.90.


  1. That time I had grilled fish with pasta, salad and cream sauce. Cost S$6.90 at their outlet in Geylang Lor 25A

  2. The grilled salmon looks like a big piece.. But pasta not creamy enough.. If more creamy milky cheesy, I can wallop 2 plates!

    1. Just nice to me, if too creamy, i don't quite like it...

  3. You exercise at different places every day? Interesting! I've seen people doing that here at the town square, line dancing or something. Dunno if they have it anywhere else or not.

    Collins, name reminds me of a dictionary. Hehehehehe!!!!!

    1. They have different types of exercise and different location every day, but i don't go everyday, only places that is convenient and if not lazy, hehe...

      Like recently, they have been cancelling the workout due to haze and if rain, there won't be any workout...


  4. nice plate of salmon with pasta there.. hope your friend is fine now.. :)

    1. I like the salmon, hehe...

      She whatsapp me briefly what happen, yet to talk to her...

  5. Guess your friend might need some space, just call her back after two three days, guess it would be alright and hope she's doing okay! =]

  6. Aiya, your friend will be mad at you or not, for talking about her quarreling with her hubs in the blog?

    1. If my friend knows about my blog, i wouldn't dare to write it here... That why i prefer to keep my blog private from my friends...

  7. Auntie? You? No lah, not auntie at all.

    Hope your friend is okay, she just need some personal time to think and calm down. Am sure she will call you back as you are such a good and caring friend.

    Over here, almost every afternoon it rains! I have been fighting with sun to dry my laundry but on desperate days, I just have to use my dryer. Could not imagine the bills during this wet year end. Hehe.

    1. Me also hope she's ok, have whatsapp her to call me when she's free...

      Now raining season, here also usually rain in the afternoon...

  8. The pasta and salmon looks nice. With mango sauce make it even better :)

    1. They have another sauce, can't recall which sauce is it, but i choose mango sauce...

  9. maybe she was upset at the time so not in the mood to talk or was having "war" . Anyway...hope ends well,

    You eat so little ah

    1. I have just spoken to her not long ago, good to hear that she's all right now...

      That portion just nice...

  10. Active Sharon!! I wanna dance again!!

  11. Your Grilled Salmon Fillet with Mango Sauce, Pasta and Salad looks good and yummy!

  12. Good Afternoon!

    Cool and wet here but nice. No more haze till next year!

  13. Aiyor.... the friend quarreled and didn;t give you reasons to update here. Muahahaha

  14. Hope she is allright! Love the salmon pasta!

    1. When i talk to her on the phone, she sounds ok... I love it too...

  15. The dish is not so colorful... But if it's yummy and healthy then ok la! :p
