Wednesday, April 8, 2015

3rd April

See SK blog about his report on what he did, so thought of doing a report of what i did on Good Friday which is a Public Holiday in Singapore.

Morning, i went to the reservoir near my house to jog. After coming back from my jog, i receive a sms from my Sectional Leader that she didn't see me in the Maunday Thursday service.  Reply her i have a friend birthday the previous day.  Then she ask me to meet her on Sunday after service in Church, when i reply her that i won't be attending Church on Sunday as i have a Happy Zumba (The Happy Zumba suppose to be on the previous sun {29th March}, but due to Mr LKY State Funeral, it was postpone to 5th April) on Sunday morning and won't make it in time if to go.  Then she continue with some ba ba ba stories.

I cook fried egg using shredded carrot since i had it in the fridge and a bit of big onion.

Open a small can of sardine fish and with some mui choy left over by my mum the previous day, had a simple lunch.

After lunch, around 1pm, my Associate Cell Leader with his wife, parents, 5 month plus daughter, helper, who is having lunch at the hawker centre near my house, pick me and my mum up to go to their house (their house is not very far from my house), where i did some Bible Study with my Associate Cell Leader's wife and my mum was chit-chatting away with my Associate cell Leader parents.  The house is quite quiet as the couple 5 years old daughter and 2 years old son is at the wife parents place.

Then at around 3.45pm, my Associate cell Leader, his parents, wife,  5 month plus daughter, my mum and me left the place for 5pm Easter Service.  The helper did not want to go, so she's staying at home to cook dinner for Ah Kong and Ah Ma who's coming back for dinner while my Associate  Cell Leader, his wife and 5 month plus daughter is going for gathering at the wife parents place. 

During the Easter Service, we did not sit together, My Associate Cell Leader is serving in a ministry, his parents set with a Chinese Ministry friend, my mum set with my Sectional Leader and my Sectional Leader MIL while i sit with my Associate Cell Leader wife and 5 month plus daughter.

After service, my Sectional Leader keeps telling me See you on Sunday, but i kept quiet.  I will be disappointed if i were not to go for the Happy Zumba as like what Chris Au had blog about his disappointed.

After the Easter Service, we go on our separate ways, my mum and i went for dinner before we went back and call it a day.

On Sunday morning (5th April), i whatsapp my Sectional Leader that i will not be going church but instead i am at the Community Centre doing Zumba.

That night, she whatsapps me, thought she will reprimand me, but phew, she didn't as i told her i went to another church to worship on Sunday.


  1. hehehe.. i think i should write more posts that report my activities on a specific day huh?? :p

    1. hahaha... My days are usually very normal, so happen there are things on that day to write, so write that specific day, hehe...

  2. I like reading blogger's report-duty post, haha.. I see egg, I see sardines, I thought you fry the egg with sardines.. I've tried that before, nice..

    1. I have not tried fry egg with sardines, maybe should try it out one of the day, hehe...

  3. You abstain from meat and fast ion Good Friday too? My post on Good Friday coming right up...tomorrow, I think.

    1. So happen have not gone supermarket to buy grocery and fridge nothing much, so cook whatever i have...

  4. This is the first time I see you write a long post. I like the ba ba ba stories hah..hah.. You made me laugh!

    1. Worried if i write long post too often, nobody will want to read it or get bored, hehe...

  5. Sounds like a very active day there, Sharon! Fruitful day!

  6. Hi Sharon, you had a very interesting day, so many happenings. Nice reading about your day's report.

    1. Usually i hardly write long as worry might bored the readers, hehe...

  7. aisey...not really copy SK la if like that. If copy SK will cut and paste from SK blog and put here mah :P

  8. How i wished we have Good Friday as holidays here so that it would be a long weekend!!

    1. At first i thought Good Friday is a Public Holiday in Malaysia..
