Friday, January 23, 2015

1st & 2nd Chingay Rehearsal @ PA Headquarter

1st Rehearsal, 29th Nov 2014 (Sat)

At first, i didn't think of blogging about this, but after some thoughts, since this is my maiden Chingay performance and after that, i do not know whether i still have any chances to take part in any upcoming Chingay Parade, shall blog about it, so that in future, can refer back to it.

My Zumba Instructor has been asking around during the month of September last year for volunteers to take part in the Wushu Contingent @ Chingay 2015 which will be held on 27th Feb (Fri) & 28th Feb (Sat) at the Singapore F1 Pit. 

Some of my Zumba kaki sign up, but not me, as i'm worried i might not be committed to it.  One of my Zumba kaki keep persuade me to go and telling me that it's fun.  I only sign up last minute, 1 day  (my Zumba class is on Friday) before the rehearsal start and the following day, it's the 1st rehearsal at the PA Headquarter.

The 1st rehearsal is at PA Headquarters @ King George Ave.  The transport pick us up quite early that day at 2.30pm (Rehearsal starts at 6.30pm and ends at 10pm) at the Community Centre, as we were to be there to take measurement for the costumes and tried out the shoes which is provided for the actual day performance.

Dinner that is provided

At the field getting ready for rehearsal

Waiting for the start of the rehearsal

In the midst of the rehearsal

Not forgetting a picture taken


2nd rehearsal, 13th Dec 2014 (Sat)

The 2nd Chingay rehearsal is also held at PA Headquarter.  The rehearsal is in the evening from 6.30pm to 10pm.

Dinner that is provided, this round, only 2 dishes and more rice, most of us still prefer the previous dinner as there's lesser rice and 3 dishes instead of 2 dishes.

Listening to instructions that is given

Instructions by the person-in-charge

Group picture taken

Another group picture


  1. Nice wor meals provided and everything taken care of, like costumes and shoes.. Looks like a happy group, happy event..

  2. Sharon, I can see a big crowd. Must be fun coming together preparing for a big event.

  3. wow!! Sharon performing in the Chingay Parade!!! that is really something interesting!! and I can see a very big group of you..

  4. I gotta say ths same thing about the dinner provided.. the first one is way better leh..

  5. Good morning Sharon
    Guess it was a great experience... always go and learn something new!
    Have a great weekend

  6. Suituapui

    But after eating, quite filling...

    Princess Ribbon

    The event is on, everything, but my 1st time, quite excited, hehe...


    This is only part of it, on the actual day, more people...


    My 1st time, very excited, hehe... Yes, quite a big group, hehe...

    Quite a number of us also said that the first one is better...


    Good morning...

    Yes, an experience for me and somemore, this year is SG50, year of the Jubilee, hehe...

    Enjoy your weekend ya...

  7. You must be very excited to perform huh? hee..hee..

  8. I like this post.

    You sure shared with us vividly your experience. :)

  9. One of my colleagues who involved in chingay before said it is very tough ! Lots of waiting time and she won't participated anymore.

  10. nice your shared article with hot group from your country with very 2 happing people.

  11. Small Kucing

    Especially with a group of kakis, hehe...

    Phong Hong

    Hopefully i won't do any wrong movement, hehe...


    Thanks Lina... :)

    Just in case my memories fails, as me quite absent minded, can refer back to it, hehe...


    Now still ok, maybe cos still wearing our own clothes, guess when full dress rehearsal, will be tough...

    Yes, lots of waiting time, but got kakis around to chit chat, so ok...

    This is my Instructor 2nd time in Chingay, 2013, she's involve in Zumba Chingay...

    Sejal Arora from Gurgaon Site

    Thanks for visiting my blog...

  12. Not bad. Got food even during rehearsal.

  13. 你行的,没问题!到时候记得要与我们分享当天的体验哟!

  14. Vincent

    Thank you for the encouragement... :)

  15. You always learning something new every day. Nice!
