Friday, July 11, 2014


Went to LegoLand on Monday (7th July), choose a weekday as it will not be that crowded. Had wanted to go there when it has opened, but delayed till last Monday.  Took a bus from Singapore Flyer and the bus goes by Tuas Checkpoint, Malaysia Checkpoint and then to LegoLand.  The journey from Malaysia Checkpoint to LegoLand is about 20 minutes.

It was raining that morning while on the way there, was quite worried.  But luckily the rain has stop by the time reach LegoLand.

Ticketing Counter

At the Entrance there

Entrance to LegoLand

Was not really very hungry, but was tempted by the roasted chicken, so bought a set and gave some veg. fries and a bit of the chicken to friend.

The Roasted Chicken comes with a Mushroom Soup and a drink which i did not post cost RM28.

The performers went around the tables asking what song the diners would like to listen and play for the diners.

Game stall

Miniland - Singapore Flyer

Miniland - Twin Tower

Picture taken from the Observation Tower

As friend is the one who's doing the booking, friend book both Theme and Water Park, in the end, do not have time in the Water Park, only went in for about 15 minutes look see look see before we have to said goodbye to LegoLand.


  1. wow, you so fast visit legoland already, i not yet have chance to go....
    but heard not really nice, more suit kids rite?hehehe

  2. Thanks for showing us the photos, I wish to bring Aden there some day, hopefully la!

  3. I asked my girl if she wanted to go and she said no, end of story.

  4. I wish I have a chance to bring my daughter to Legoland someday. Thanks for sharing the trip. How much is the entrance fees currently?

  5. hehehe.. like i would expected you must be going somewhere for holiday because that day you didn't bloghop.. :p

    p/s: you went to Legoland, considered as 出國旅行 also!!

  6. very nice photos you have captured.. i've heard many saying there's nothing much to see, but those you shared here seems to be quite interesting.. and i see MINIONS!! how come got Minions there?? i thot they are supposed to be in Universal Studio in your country?? haha~~

  7. I have heard so much about Legoland but I don't thinks it is for me hah..hah...Enough just to see it from your post :)

  8. 孤傲的王子

    Not fast liao, at first wanted to go after it open, but drag till now...

    Guess kids will loves it, hehe...


    Bring Aden there ya, hehe...


    Maybe she will change her mind and said she wants to go...


    The entrance fee can be found here :


    Only in Malaysia, hehe...

    Depends on individual, The MINIONS is for visitors to play games, hehe...

    Phong Hong

    Me also heard much about it when it's first open...

  9. you went never bring me.....sobs sobs

  10. Wah nice.. Guess I have to wait few more years only can go.. You went on Monday? Means you took leave lor? Best...

  11. Been a while.i didn't go after our annual pass expired.

  12. my son keep asking to go, shall bring him one day :D

  13. I think the entrance fees are very expensive but if have children worth to go. Did you enjoy yourself there?

  14. Small Kucing

    Next time, maybe we can plan a bloggers trip there, keke...

    Princess Ribbon

    Ya lor, if not if weekend go, worry immigration jam, crowded at LegoLand...


    Before going, i went to take a look at the LegoLand pictures you took in FB to see how is it there, hehe...


    Do bring him there ya...


    Ya, had fun there... :)


    If don't convert, it will be expensive...


    Ya, fun...

  15. I wish to go there too, but too bad, no ppl wanna go with me,they say this place for kids...haha!

  16. I haven't been there before, i heard the place can be really warm on afternoons

  17. my son asked me to bring him there, but I am not a big of theme park. So I ask him to follow school's trip next time, hahaha..

  18. Grace

    More for kids, hehe...


    Think depends on weather also...


    Oh, school trip got bring there, hehe...

  19. It's still enjoyable even though I have been there many times. Love the amazing Lego creations.

  20. 我特别喜欢这个miniland!在这里拍下不少照片呢!:D

  21. East Coast Life

    I wait and wait for my friend till now then want to go, hehe...


    If not for my friend hurrying me, i will take more pictures from there....

  22. The last time we went the water park is not ready yet. It seems the theme park have improved a lot.

  23. Yee Ling

    When it's first open, also crowded with many people ya....
