Thursday, July 24, 2014


After taking the pictures of the Hari Raya decorations, i went to look for my friends, i have very much wanted to walk one round at Sutera Mall, but time does not permits me to do that.

At first our gathering was plan at Coffee Valley, but we change to Old Town at Sutera Mall.

Sorry for the blurred picture i had to take a quick picture as the eatery place was quite crowded at that time.

We keeps seeing the above guy in the dining area when we realised that he's the only guy there.  One man show.  Taking customers order, serving foods to customers, clearing up tables after customers left, etc and double up as a cashier.

When we ask him to help us take pictures, he ever put on a smile and didn't gave us any black faces.

I curiously ask one of the friend who is a retired teacher if there's any events/activities where the teachers will get to meet other teachers from other states as at that time, i was thinking of Sibu Food Mayor, but she does not know him.

After the gathering, one of the friend drove me to the checkpoint via Woodland.


  1. Haha so funny ahh, took pic of the guy inatead of the food.. Or is it gonna be in the nex post?

  2. Your friend was probably not an English teacher...or not one of those roped in to do all kinds of stuff for the Education Ministry.

    Handsome guy...but Old Town? No, thank you.

  3. Did he know that you took his photo?

  4. Good morning Sharon. Weather outside is good but not in my head cos I just watched CNN news and so much grief!

  5. Even the waiter could smile in his photo. You should learn from him la. Kakakakakakaka Say Cheese!

  6. Not easy to hire staff these days and that's why only one person doing all the work.

  7. Wonder did you take the picture secretly?

  8. Did you tell him he's gonna be famous on your blog? ;)

  9. Agree with Lina. Next time you go there should let him see the blog

  10. This old town service was terrible during my last visit. Only 1 waiter ... and it took ages to serve us.

  11. Princess Ribbon

    I only take my own food, so not blogging about it...


    She's a Primary School teacher...


    Yes, of course, i ask him, he ok for me to take picture of him... hehe...

    Twilight Man

    Good Morning... Here the weather is so hot... Sad to read all those news... :(

    hahaha... Next time, i will Say Cheese, kakaka....

    Phong Hong

    The thing good about him as one man show, is he still can smile and didn't give customers any black faces or any not happy from his tone...


    He stand there for me to take picture, hehe...


    Nope, didn't tell him i'm gonna blog about it... hehe...

    Small Kucing

    If i go there again...


    Maybe when we were there, not much customer yet, so still ok...

  12. wow wow wow!! Sharon stalking at handsome guy woh, secretly took photo of the cute waiter!! hehehe~~ :p

  13. hmmm, he was the only one in the restaurant doing everything huh?? good that he was still in good temper and very polite, and yes, should give him compliments!! later he become famous after published on Sharon's blog~~ :p

  14. man show? This guy sure BOLEH! I thought you took a picture of him because he is good looking.. hehee... didn't know he is one man show there..

  15. SK

    Got ask permission to take his picture, hehe...

    Ya lor, he's friendly and polite, at first it didn't comes into my mind to take picture of him till my friend ask me to go take picture of him and blog about it, hehe...


    Somemore it's Sun that day, hehe...

    Siawsiaw Life

    selamat hari raya to you too...


    Hardly i came across one man show unless those small shop...
