Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tofu with minced chicken

How time flies, Christmas is over and next to come will be New Year and 2012. This Christmas, fri and sat, was at friend place to celebrate Christmas, sun, went Orchard Road walk one round to see the floats. Yesterday, meetup with Ching for dinner, too bad her hubby was on night shift, didn't get to catch up with her hubby.

I have a egg tofu in my fridge and was thinking what to do and search the web and see most results was egg tofu with minced meat, saw minced chicken in the supermarket so bought a packet and try it out with it, also mixed with prawns and carrot.


  1. 这个加入一些咸蛋黄也不错咯^^

  2. 再加些青葱、辣椒粒、更增添色彩及美感!

  3. Vincent

    Will try it out next round, hehe...


    icic... Will try out next round, hehe...

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