Monday, May 9, 2011

Sabah Trip (9 ~ 12 Apr 2011)

Actually i used to wanted to go Sabah very long time ago, but have put it off till friend AYC ask me if i was interested to to Sabah. I was quite relaxed as AYC is the one who is doing the booking and only waited for the departure date and fly off to Sabah.

We took the 8.50am flight from Singapore to Kota Kinabalu and the reach Kota Kinabalu at around 11.30am.

While having my passport chop at the immigration, the officer was asking me how many days i will be in Kotu Kinabalu, i reply 4 days, she reply me, how come so few days? I was telling AYC about this and that i feel like replying her, if she let me stay at her kampong, i can stay longer.

As my photos from Day 1 to Day 3 was corrupted, these pictures are from AYC camera.

Were in Kota Kinabulu for 4 days, so we stay at this The Palace Hotel for 3 nights. Actually, AYC have booked another hotel, but the hotel was fully book, so it was changed to this hotel.

After checking in at Hotel, we went for our lunch at the nearby shopping centre before meeting the tour guide to go River Boat Cruise along the Rainforest.

While on the way, saw that there's May Bank Islamic, was curious how come it's May Bank Islamic and not like what i saw before May Bank, i ask the tour guide and was told that the interest rates for Malays is higher than other races.

The journey takes about 1 1/2 hours from the hotel. Halfway thr the journey, it starts to rain heavily. But the tour still goes on. We took a River Boat along the Wildlife Park, and luckily we manage to see the Proboscis Monkeys. After that, we went for dinner. After dinner, we continue on to see fireflies. After that we went to a chocolate shop before proceeding back to the hotel for a night rest.

On the second day, we took the speedboat to two islands

The first island we visited is Pulau Sapi. They have various activities there like snorkeling, jet boat rides, etc... But we didn't tried that out, we walk around and sit back at the beaches to relax.

Quite like the beach there

Saw 四脚蛇 there, find that it is quite shy as whenever we wanted to walk near it, it will run away.

Lunch for the day

After lunch, we proceed to Pulau Mamutik, this island is smaller than the other island.

Actually on the third day, we were supposed to go Kota Kinabalu Park, but due to landslide, we were unable to go there. Instead, we went to Mari Mari Cultural Village. Quite an interesting place.

After the tour, there is a performance

On the last day, before we went back, we went to the zoo in the morning

Our main aim going to the zoo is to see the 长鼻猴

Our flight back to Singapore is at 5.40pm and reached Singapore around 8pm.

Have spoken to Akira, next will be to fulfil :

Die Die go Penang look for Akira


  1. i wish i were here in kk also! :)

  2. i'm going to Sabah this July, what's your comment about this hotel?

  3. Ah, nice holidays in East Malaysia

  4. gosh the photo of your lunch makes my tummy rumble already....hungry

  5. wa ! island hoping!不错hor!

  6. 哇。。Sabah好玩bo?。。

  7. eh, wasted la the photo, what happened? why corrupted?

  8. Oh.... now I know the difference between Maybank and Maybank Islamic. Is that only Muslim/Malay got better interest rate? If yes... is really KANAS*I!

    Anyway, nice photo from Sabah! I wish I can go there one day!

  9. Vincent

    Maybe can plan for a trip there...


    So far so good, but heard that there's gonna be renovations...


    Yes, it's a nice holiday...

    Small Kucing

    The lunch is very nice...


    Ya lor, and the ride on the speedboat is so shiok...


    If not nice, me and my friend won't think of going there again...

    Kai and Baobei

    Haiz... I also don't know what happened... haiz...


    That's what i heard...

  10. so much seafood for lunch... ^^

  11. wenn

    Yes, it is...

    Dear 阿香

    I like that lunch very much...
