Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Banana Butter Pie

When i saw the Banana Butter Pie in Anncoo blog, it looks so good and that Anncoo mention that she promptly had two slices in a row, i was very tempted to do it.

I used Digestives Biscuits instead of Marie Biscuits

As i do not have a pie tray, so i use square baking tin to do it. As the Banana Butter Pie have to be put in fridge for at least one hour before serve, after one hour, i can't wait to take it out from the fridge and cut it and try it out. It is very yummy yummy. Thanks to Anncoo for sharing the recipe.


  1. hi sharon,
    when r u coming again ?
    hope to try the food that u made leh!

  2. Beautiful slices. Anncoo always has beautiful desserts! Wonderful that you tried. Thanks for sharing. MaryMoh at http://www.keeplearningkeepsmiling.com

  3. Akira

    Hehe... Now i know u don't like banana...


    It is yummy...


    C when u are free to meet again, hehe...


    Yes it is, Anncoo always has nice nice desserts to share, hehe...


    It is...


    It is...

    Dear Sock Peng

    This is the first time i tried it...

  4. Thanks for trying ;) All polished up already?

  5. Anncoo

    Thanks for sharing this great recipe, i share half of it with my friend, and now left one piece in the fridge... hehe...
